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Discovering Legendary Teas
Mint Medley Mint Tea Herbal Blend
Sample of Teabags
50g Tea Tin
Mint Medley Mint Tea Herbal Blend
Sample of Teabags
50g Tea Tin

Mint Medley...A Perfect Mint Tea Blend...Peppermint & Spearmint...

Cooling Peppermint and Spearmint Tea...What Could Be Better?...

This Herbal Tea balances Peppermint and Spearmint for a refreshing, invigorating botanical mint tea beverage.

The aromatic p... ... Learn More

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Product Details

Cooling Peppermint and Spearmint Tea...What Could Be Better?...

This Herbal Tea balances Peppermint and Spearmint for a refreshing, invigorating botanical mint tea beverage.

The aromatic power of this mint tea has an evaporative cooling effect, releasing a wave of satisfaction in us and creating a mini-euphoria...

Many customers try our Mint Medley mint tea for settling the stomach and calming nerves. We also love sipping on Mint Medley Herbal Tea to help relieve congestion. Like our Lavender Mint Herbal Tea, we find that the fresh, crisp aromas of Mint Medley mint tea can help stuffed airways feel more open and clear.

For a caffeinated version made with Green Tea, try our Moroccan Mint Tea.

Taking Advantage of what Botanicals can Do for Your Life...

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