Our Story

A story our tea drinking friends...

I became a life-long student of tea, and ultimately decided to spend my life working with tea and the global tea community every day. My wife Judy and I created a mission of helping our tea friends around the world by “Improving Lives with Tea…One Sip at a Time”...and thus began our story.
We travel the tea gardens of Asia looking for regionally famous, very special micro-climate teas, grown by family farms and small growers using techniques developed over centuries. I’ve selected all of our teas. The variety and quality are exceptional, and are a treat for those that want to experience authentic flavor from unique tea gardens throughout the world.

The Storyof Savvy Tea Gourmet...Our Renowned Teashop

Phil started drinking green tea in his college years...
He heard that green tea was healthy and was tempted to try it. He was surprised that he enjoyed it, and that started his keen interest in tea and his tea story. Since his career after college was in manufacturing, he was fortunate to travel to Asia many times a year. It was here, in tea gardens, markets and stores, with growers and merchants, that he received a grounded education in tea. Close to 30 years later, his knowledge and burning desire to talk about tea changed his life’s purpose. This experience brought Phil to the level of expertise that he is renowned for in the tea industry, with his tea students and his customers.

Judy's tea story began with her family growing up, and she expanded her knowledge of tea after meeting Phil, traveling to tea gardens in China and Japan, and becoming certified by the Specialty Tea Institute in New York City. Her career of 25 years, before starting their tea business, in marketing, education & training, event & conference planning for Fortune 100 companies was a major building block for their tea company. Her focus on health & wellness, as well as herbal studies, continues to offer their customers healthier choices and be part of her story.
Phil is the driving force behind educating Drink Great Tea customers and the professional tea industry. As a tea mentor & educator, he brings customers together for tea tastings and teaches professional certification courses to become Tea Sommelier and Tea Master via ITMA.
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