Golden Flower Heart-Healthy Tea...

Golden Flower Dark Tea Brick...China Mystery Tea of the Tea Horse Road...Lower Cholesterol Naturally...

Researchers found that the “Golden Flower Mystery Tea” acquired its seemingly magical ability to lower cholesterol during the long journey from its origin in southwest China to its far-reaching destinations in the northwest.
During its journey, the tea was exposed to the elements as it traveled for many months over the long and difficult terrain of “The Tea Horse Road” in bamboo baskets on the backs of pack animals.
Powerful Benefits...
It is the combination of the cultivar and processing techniques that yields a tea with powerful benefits; including the “Golden Flower” human-friendly fungi.

Enzymes from this human-friendly fungi pro-biotic complement and enhance the ability of the tea to deliver its benefits. While the reputed benefits of the tea are amazing, what has “leapt out” into the forefront with this tea is the impressive feedback on its ability to lower cholesterol levels coming from customers I’ve introduced the tea to.
For centuries, this tea has been renowned in China and surrounding countries for its pleasing aroma and flavor, as well as its health benefits. I first learned of this tea while traveling in China. Over the years I’ve studied its history, origin and processing, and through polling of customers, have become increasingly impressed with the feedback I’ve received related to health benefits - particularly the results of before and after cholesterol measurements customers have shared with me.
Healthy Lifestyle...
My belief is that, when combined with other good healthy lifestyle choices, this tea is improving people’s lives tremendously. If you are willing to pay attention to diet and exercise, get adequate sleep, and introduce 2-3 cups of this tea a day, you’ll have a good chance of achieving and maintaining lower cholesterol, as well as gaining a host of other health benefits.

In addition to the valuable cholesterol hyperlipidemia fighting benefits, the Chinese researchers report of the tea's polysaccharides, helping with digestion, blood glucose levels, weight loss, tumor growth protection, and protection from liver-alcohol related diseases.
If we were able to lower cholesterol by regularly drinking this tea and incorporating mindful healthy lifestyle habits, we could improve our chances of defending against:
- Cerebral Infarction
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Kidney Failure
- Lower Limb Artery Thrombosis