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Discovering Legendary Teas

Tea IS Brain Food…

The Cognitive Advantages of Tea…

When we think about tea, we tend to think about something that is healthy for us and often think about the antioxidants that are protecting us from free radical and oxidative stress damage.

There is an advantage though that comes along with drinking tea that most are not aware of that is equally beneficial to antioxidants in tea…if not more.

As we go through life, we place growing value on our memory and our ability to work through complex mental issues and challenges. The reaction time we have and our ability for quick recall becomes a highly desirable capability that can have one of the greatest effects on long term quality of life.

Who knew of the valuable role that the simple act of consuming the right teas can have on our ability to preserve knowledge, memories and our ability maintain clear and quick mental response?

How Can Tea Help Me?...

Two Basic Ways…
Tea Is A Natural Therapeutic…



Yes, it is remarkable that the taken for granted cup of tea can hold one of the keys to protecting your mind function for long term mental health and be an aid in minimizing age-related mental decline.

There are pro-active things we can do to put our best foot forward in our quest to maintain life-long high-level cognitive function. Four factors that we can readily affect are sleep, diet, and two kinds of exercise.

Sleep is first on the list for a reason…without it, you don’t have a chance of maintaining quality long-term mental function. Your brain requires sleep time to convert acquired memory to permanent long-term memory as well as adequate rest & freshness to intake new input into acquired memory.

Diet is second on the list but is as you would imagine of utmost importance to supporting our body’s ability to perform the functions needed for cognitive function, memory retention & recall. In the diet category of course comes the tea…

Third but certainly not last is two kinds of exercise…the body which benefits memory through increased blood flow resulting from aerobic exercise mutually benefiting cognitive function, judgement & thinking skills, and secondly, exercise of the mind…

Using it helps prevent losing it, and our mind is no exception. Having enjoyable mind stimulation activities in addition to whatever type of daily work/routine you do allows you to regularly exercise your cognitive ability like physical activity exercises your body.

Lets Take
A Deeper Look
In The Cup?...

10,000 Medicines…How Could It Be?...

The ancient Chinese would say that Tea is 10,000 medicines,

But what would we say?

How Could it Be?

Yes, we are skeptical about the connection between tea and health...longevity, so that is why it is so reassuring to review the information compiled by the Tea Council of the USA:

As it turns out, it is Bioactive Compounds…
…That’s How…

In the report the Tea Council of the USA tells us about the scientific data which now backs up the ancient Chinese health claims.

Purify The Body and Preserve The Mind…

It goes on to explain that it is the Bioactive compounds in tea that are doing the hard work supporting our natural systems and helping us along the path to wellbeing and longevity.

The Evidence Is Documented…

By Creating A Foundation…Of Longevity…

How Tea Works in the Body...

Tea is the perfect synergistic companion to mental exercise as the powerful combination of L-Theanine and the Caffeine in tea team-up to produce a state of mind conducive to neurological health and cognitive performance.

L-Theanine, commonly known as Theanine is an amino acid shown to have a calming effect and in fact be responsible for lowering blood pressure as a result of stress resilience improving both psychological and physiological stress responses.

See especially High Theanine Teas here

The good fortune for us tea drinkers is that Theanine only naturally occurs in Camellia sinensis (the actual tea plant) and the Boletus Boletus mushroom.

Theanine’s ability to easily cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) positions it to provide many brain-related benefits while its beneficial relationship with the caffeine in tea creates an alliance especially impactful on our cognitive function.

See especially High Theanine Teas here

Some major advantages of this miracle bioactive compound in tea are:

  • Improved GABA levels from Theanine plays a central role in stress/anxiety reduction by restoring depleted GABA levels to the point where they again allow appropriate relaxation.

  • Improves Brain Neurotransmitters, a fancy way of saying makes our brain work better! By increasing the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and GABA our learning, recall and positivity are improved by Theanine. Additionally Theanine stimulates the growth of new brain cells and neurons by increasing nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF).

  • Boosted focus, mood, alertness, and concentration all result from the synergistic relationship of the Theanine and caffeine in tea, the result being enhanced cognitive performance.

  • Improved attention and relaxation result from Theanine’s ability to cause improvement in the alpha activity brainwave state which is the same brainwave state people reach during meditation.

  • Theanine has Neuroprotective properties. L-Theanine improves cognition and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain and protecting the brain from environmental neurotoxins.

  • Enhanced Sleep Quality comes as a result of Theanine helping to relax your mind allowing you to more easily drift off to sleep…It does not put you to sleep but can allow your sleep to be better.

See especially High Theanine Teas here

L-Theanine Increases The Neurotransmitter GABA In The Brain Which Causes The Brain To Feel More Relaxed…

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid Relieves Anxiety, Improves Mood And Relaxes Capillary Walls Lowering Blood Pressure

 I say Tea IS Brain Food because tea can help your brain function better…both while awake and while asleep. Tea can help improve cognition function for you starting immediately making each day more effective and enjoyable, but tea can also help you negate mental decline as life goes on.

The clinching thought is that the right teas can help you obtain that critical sleep you need to support the brain and help it be the best it can be.

See especially High Theanine Teas here

The Drink Great Tea Recipe for …
      …The Healthy Tea Lifestyle

  • Sleep…your body’s restorative time

  • Consumption…awareness of what you eat & drink

  • Stress Management…critical to Longevity

  • Exercise…sustainable

  • Measure…if you don’t measure, you can’t improve

  • Enjoying a variety of healthy tea types…

See some of our especially High L-Theanine Teas here

See all of our Tea Collections here

See tips on Steeping Perfection here

Learn about the Short and Long Term Benefits of Drinking Tea here

See All Tea Blog Topics here