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Discovering Legendary Teas
Tencha Green Tea
Tencha Green Tea

Tencha Green Tea...The Amazing Leaf Used To Make Matcha...

Tencha Produces a Pale Jade Cup...Green Tea Brimming with Umami...

Of the many wonderful healthy qualities of Learn More

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Product Details

Tencha Produces a Pale Jade Cup...Green Tea Brimming with Umami...

Of the many wonderful healthy qualities of Matcha, two stand out as primary factors in its greatness.

First is the fact that you consume and digest the tiny ground particles of tea leaf, providing you, in addition to the steeped-out benefits, goodness from the non-water soluble ingredients in the solid part of the leaf that would otherwise not be digested.

But then comes the quality of the leaf material itself that is ground into those microscopic bits we have come to know as Matcha...and that is Tencha Green Tea...

Tencha deserves a place amongst the loose leaf tea collections of all green tea lovers, especially those that can never get enough Umami in their cup...

Shade growing for the last 7-10 days before harvest puts stress on the light-starved plants. Plants react by taking more nutrients from the soil in turn increasing amino acids in the plant...responsible for the umami taste we love.

The Character of Tencha stands alone. Very different from the quality Matcha experience, but no less wonderful. Tencha will yield a thick, viscous mouthfeel brimming with the salty-seaweedy vegetal green tea character we love.

For those enjoying our wonderful selection of Japanese Teas, Tencha Green Tea will wiggle its way into your tea cupboard quite easily...

See More Artisan Green Teas...

Learn More About Matcha...

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