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Discovering Legendary Teas
Iron Warrior Monk...Tie Luo Han...dark, rich Wu Yi Oolong... - Drink Great Tea
Iron Warrior Monk...Tie Luo Han...dark, rich Wu Yi Oolong... - Drink Great Tea

Iron Warrior Monk...Tie Luo Han...dark, rich Wu Yi Oolong...

Possibly my favorite of the Wu Yi Oolongs...Tie Luo Han signifies not war but strength...brilliant in the cup with ... ... Learn More

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Product Details

Possibly my favorite of the Wu Yi Oolongs...Tie Luo Han signifies not war but strength...brilliant in the cup with rich notes of chocolaty dried fruits, the classic Wu Yi mineral characteristic along with the subtle charcoal waif....painstakingly produced with an arduous age-old technique and finished in a brick-lined baking room with dry non-smoking charcoal heat brings out the best in the organic compounds produced by the genetics of these most special plants...magical for many many steeps...

Tie Luo Han is derived from one of the four famous cultivars from which plants have been cloned to capture the genetics to reproduce the exact plant ingredient. Early records indicate it was first discovered during the Song Dynasty in or near Gui Dong or "Ghost Cave" on one of Wu Yi Shan's 99 cliffs Hui Yuan Yan.

Little known in the west, this treasure of an oolong tea is one to be savored when time can be taken to take notice of the excellence it produces in the cup...

Increase Your Tea Pleasure with Captivating Oolong Teas...

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