Black Braids Nilgiri Black Tea...From the South India Rainforest's Nilgiri Region...
Kali Zulph "Black Braids" Nilgiri Black Tea...Hand-Rolled Delight...
Lovely long Nilgiri black tea leaves with a biscuity, toasted aroma and taste.Learn More
Product Details
Kali Zulph "Black Braids" Nilgiri Black Tea...Hand-Rolled Delight...
Lovely long Nilgiri black tea leaves with a biscuity, toasted aroma and taste.
Nilgiri black tea varieties are known for being smooth, sweet, and not bitter.
Grown high in the South Indian Nilgiri Mountains, Black Braids makes for a delicious, high quality Nilgiri black tea experience. The Nilgiri Mountains are famous for producing many varieties of tea, with Nilgiri black tea being the most well-known.
The wiry leaves of Black Braids Nilgiri Black Tea are fresh and full-bodied, with a hint of sweet berries...