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Discovering Legendary Teas
Andalucia Lemon Rooibos Red Tea
Andalucia Lemon Rooibos Red Tea

Andalucia Sun-Drenched Lemon Rooibos Red Tea... Bright and Sweet Like Sunshine...

Spanish Lemon, a Splash of Lemongrass, Some Nutrient-Rich Rooibos Red Tea...and Voila!...Andalucia Sun-Drenched Lemon!

You can almost see the terrace... ... Learn More

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Product Details

Spanish Lemon, a Splash of Lemongrass, Some Nutrient-Rich Rooibos Red Tea...and Voila!...Andalucia Sun-Drenched Lemon!

You can almost see the terraces of lemon groves in the Spanish Valley, reaching towards the sun...and becoming the delicious tart fruit of our Andalucia Sun-Drenched Lemon Rooibos red tea blend.

Both delicious and packed with health-supporting ingredients, it is clear to see that this Rooibos red tea is a delightful winner in a soothing, dreamy, warm cup, or chilled over a glass of ice...

To top it off, if avoiding caffeine is important to you, Rooibos red tea is a great caffeine-free option. Rooibos red tea is an herb from South Africa with great nutritional benefits and no caffeine. The sweet, creamy flavors of Rooibos red tea combine perfectly with tart lemon in this citrus blend.

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