Our Curated Collections...
For Tea Enthusiasts...
From the Tea Gardens of the World...
...to You...
Expand Your Tea Journey with Curated Collections!
1) Take a peek at our shelves or listing board and have fun picking a tea from one of our collections.
2) Go for a Daily Special
3) Questions? Ask our Tea Team to point out teas or collections with specific qualities to help with your choice.
We have 6 Collections of teas to choose from, all with unique qualities to fit different interests and various nutritional benefits.
See the collection title above each shelf in the shop or in the Collections page of our website...then select your tea! Our Collections include:

Savvy Tea Gourmet Collection:
Blended or blended & flavored teas. Many customer favorites are part of this collection of Drink-Great-Tea-exclusive blends.
Medium $4.50, Large $5.50, Pot $12.25

Tea Garden Journeys Collection:
Teas from around the world! Explore the distinct tastes of teas grown in different regions in this collection.
Medium $5.00, Large $6.00, Pot $13.00

Middle Kingdom Tea Collection:
High-end teas from China, known as the "Middle Kingdom" or "Central Nation". Teas from many different growing conditions that give them each an element of fame are included in this collection.
Medium $5.00, Large $6.00, Pot $13.00

Emperor's Tribute Select Collection:
Our most exclusive Teas. Artisan processing and the highest quality leaves make this collection very special.
Medium $6.00, Large $6.50, Pot $15.00

Zhong Guo Cha Collection:
Pu'er & Other Dark Teas. The teas in this collection differ from the classics and are great for exploring new flavor profiles and tea experiences.
Medium $5.00, Large $6.00, Pot $13.00

Nature's Apothecary Collection:
Functional herbal blends that taste good! Our Nature's Apothecary collection allows you to reap the benefits of botanicals.
Medium $5.00, Large $5.50, Pot $13.00
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