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Discovering Legendary Teas

Inflammation IS the Enemy...And Tea Can Help...

Another Benefit of Drinking Tea...Helping Control Inflammation...

Sometimes referred to as a Silent Killer, Inflammation has negative effects on quality of life far beyond what we recognize.

Silent because inflammation is one of those things we just don't often see coming, or expect to develop...It can be gradual and difficult to notice inflammation at first but build to being debilitating

Sometimes inflammation is something we gradually accept and try to live with.

There are Two Types of Inflammation for us to be aware of...

Inflammation (from Latininflammatio) is part of the biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. Inflammation is a protective response involving immune cellsblood vessels, and molecular mediators. The function of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out damaged cells and tissues, and initiate tissue repair.

Acute Inflammation: More Event-related...Obvious and Immediate...

Chronic Inflammation: Longer-term and continual impact...over time

Acute vs Chronic Inflammation

The Most Common Reasons for Chronic Inflammation Include:

-Autoimmune disorders, like lupus where your body attacks healthy tissue.
-Exposure to toxins, such as pollution or industrial chemicals.
-Untreated acute inflammation, like from an infection or injury.
-Autoinflammatory disorders, like recurrent fever syndromes, where there’s a defect in the cells in charge of stopping inflammation.
-Repeated episodes
of acute inflammation.

Causes of Inflammation

 Acute Inflammation Symptoms:

-Muscle aches and joint pain
-Constipation, diarrhea
-Weight gain
-Skin rashes

 Diseases Linked to Chronic Inflammation:

-Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
-Anxiety, depression and stress
-High Blood Pressure, heart disease & stroke
-Type 2 diabetes
-Allergies and asthma
-Skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis

What Can YOU Do?...Natural Inflammation Reduction Lifestyle:

-Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet
-Aerobic Exercise…150 min/week
-Manage Weight
-Sleep…7-9 Hours
-No smoking
-Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day
-Reduce Chronic Stress
-Yoga can help reduce interleukin-6 (marker for inflammation)

The Anti-inflammatory Diet:

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

And Then...there is the Tea...

An important part of the Anti-inflammatory Diet IS the tea...

Using Teas, Herbs and Spices in Minimizing Inflammatory Conditions...

Part of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet is, of course, tea...not just Camellia sinenseis, but other herbs and spices, too. We have options for infusing our bodies with natural ingredients shown to help mitigate the negative impacts of inflammation.

Knowing the right teas, herbs and spices is the key to taking advantage of the opportunity they offer.

Teas with high concentrations of EGCG (antioxidant) are especially beneficial in the quest against inflammation.

Ingredients in Tea

EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) we call the antioxidant that does the heavy lifting in tea. Amongst its numerous other health benefits it has Anti-Inflammatory effects that help us in our fight against inflammation.

EGCG Properties

Then, there are the Herbs & Spices...

Herbs & Spices can also have beneficial inflammation-fighting properties:

-Stinging Nettle, Turmeric, Ginger, Rosemary, Fennel, Black Pepper, Sage, Chrysanthemum...

With the benefit of teas, herbs and spices in mind, we have assembled a listing of teas and blends that we suggest you consider for your approach to inflammation management as well as for tea drinking pleasure:

High EGCG Teas for Reducing Inflammation:

Blends, or Teas and Herbs, for Reducing Inflammation...

Tap into Nature's Apothecary... 

In addition to our extensive tea line, loaded with inflammation fighting EGCG, we offer a selection of functional herbal blends in our Nature's Apothecary collection.

The idea of our Nature's Apothecary collection is to help people avoid automatically reaching for a pill bottle. Isn't it true that these days the minute we are the least bit troubled by a common life condition, the first thing we think to do is to go to CVS? Right?

That are natural options that can provide natural options in our fight against inflammation that can be effective and are very much worth a try:

In addition to making our herbal blends functional, we also put a lot of effort into making them taste good, which is the downfall of many herbal don't want drink them...not ours, you will enjoy consuming them!

What a great option it is for us to be able to have effective and pleasing tools in our fight against inflammation...take advantage of what they can offer on your path to wellbeing and longevity...

The Healthy Tea Lifestyle...

Synergy. Tea is about synergy with other things in our life that we know from experience are conducive to wellbeing and longevity...things like meditation, yoga, diet, physical exercise, cognitive exercise. These things help us develop a rhythm for our lived supported at every turn by health-building principles that have a cumulative effect on wellbeing, leading to improved longevity.

We call it The Healthy Tea Lifestyle...and it's a real thing people don't realize is there, available for them to take advantage of.

Tea can be a cornerstone in your foundation of wellbeing. It can be an incentive that influences other personal behavior that contributes to our universal goal of longevity.


Shop Inflammation Management Options Here

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See Tips on Steeping Perfection Here...