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Discovering Legendary Teas

For Good Reason, tis Part of Life in Ireland…The Tea Break…

Worth Giving It a Try…

It seems though tea has become as much part of life in Ireland as the damp climate and a pint at the pub. Come around 11 am or 3 pm however and you will find the Irish have taken a pause in all that life demands of us to collect themselves over a strong cup of Irish Tea.

Surprising is the fact that it’s only been since the early 1800’s that the Irish have adopted the passion for tea. Merchant Sam Bewley and his son undercut the British importers to whom the Irish were paying too much for tea, both lowering the cost and improving the quality of teas in Ireland by importing directly from China.

True enough Tea in Ireland is an all day and into the evening affair, but there is a difference from the continual cup that may be taken any time of day and the more notable routine of Tea Breaks where one may add a treat or light snack as a pick-me-up between main meals.

If there is something to be celebrated, the 3 pm version of the Tea Break can become something much more fancy with the main event of course being the tea, but with the addition of more treats, maybe tea sandwiches and sometimes including scones with jam and clotted cream.

But no-no…we’re far from done…there is another round or two of tea yet to come in the life of the typical Irish Tea Drinker. There is the evening meal to consume and wash-down with more of the strong Irish steep, especially at extended family gathering times like the 6 pm Sunday dinner. Then to finish the day in Ireland, depending on the day, it’s typically the evening tea or a pint at the pub.

It’s likely that when tea became available to the Irish, they quickly gravitated to it because it was warm and soothing…something anyone would like in a damp & cold climate. Since those days in the early 1800’s though we’ve learned a lot about tea that further helps us understand the tea passion in Ireland for Tea.

Amongst the plethora of health benefits related to the tea plant is its ability to improve cognitive function, creativity and you guessed it…conversation. Yes indeed, in addition to the immunity, cardiovascular health AND the soothing creature-comfort that tea brings you, a hidden value of tea is it’s ability to improve conversation and communication…the other value of the Irish Tea Break…a chance connect with family, friends, co-workers or a stranger in the teashop to make small talk or solve the problems of the world.

Don’t underestimate the contribution the cup of tea makes to the conversation; a primary reason tea is always part of almost every conversation in most of Asia.

So, to the Irish then we owe a debt of gratitude for setting an example of lovely use of tea in improving quality of life over a cup, or many cups of tea. Maybe it’s 11 am or 3 pm…maybe it’s another time that works for you but the message is clear…it’s Tea Break Time, and it will make the rest of your day…and your life…better.

At Drink Great Tea, we are working on expanding our selections of teas from around the globe, and the Irish Blends are a growing part of our offering.

What better time to remain mindful of the Irish, their history, culture and as the number one tea consumption per capita in the world their example of tea then March and the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day.

For the Month of March, we are featuring three of our outstanding Irish Blends:

Wicklow County Irish Breakfast

Blarney Castle, Tea of The Wee People

Float A Dead Mouse On It…Extra-robust Irish Breakfast Blend

For the Month of March enter discount code 03012301 at Checkout to receive 15% off these select Irish Blends.

While in Ireland they are likely to steep their tea extra-robust and adjust the steep with lashings of milk to color the tay, and maybe sweeten with sugar to make a desert-like cup, you will find the teas listed above capable of both being a self-drinker (nothing added) or proudly standing-up to your favorite additions and still providing a luscious tea experience.