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Discovering Legendary Teas
Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club
Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club

Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club...

A Tea Club for Discovering Teas that Are Legendary...For Good Reason...

Our Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club is intended for the advanced tea drinker ... ... Learn More

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Product Details

A Tea Club for Discovering Teas that Are Legendary...For Good Reason...

Our Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club is intended for the advanced tea drinker or professional that wants to gain in-depth knowledge of unique and special teas.

The experience of regular introduction to new teas with this tea club leads to developing insight and tea knowledge of the tea being experienced, creating greater Tea Awareness.

The Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club series broadens nuance understanding of the teas tasted and brings to reality cultural effects on the teas.

Why are there Ten Famous Teas of China...what brings them that fame? How could they be so deserving to be selected for the most exclusive grouping of teas in the a culture that has been enamored with tea for centuries?

My Tea garden Journey began in the early 1970's when I first discovered that there were "kinds" of green tea...but why? This curiosity led to wonder, then intrigue and eventually grew to passion...which continues to grow as I continue to learn.

Join me in our Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club and let me share with you the reasons I discovered why these teas rightfully deserve their place of honor on this elite level of teas as I visited each famous growing region...

Discovering Legendary Teas Tea Club is your opportunity to experience renowned teas you many have not realized even existed...join to be amazed and to transition from drinking tasting tea...all from the comfort of your own living room.

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