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Discovering Legendary Teas
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake Broth
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake
2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake Broth

2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake...100g Cake of Qing (Raw) Puerh Pressed Tea...

Aged Qing Pu erh in a 100g Plate...2013 Qing Pu erh Tea Cake...Beeng Cha...

This 2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake allows you to enjoy the qualities of an aged, pressed Qing Puerh cake with a lower investment of 100g, ra... ... Learn More

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Product Details

Aged Qing Pu erh in a 100g Plate...2013 Qing Pu erh Tea Cake...Beeng Cha...

This 2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake allows you to enjoy the qualities of an aged, pressed Qing Puerh cake with a lower investment of 100g, rather than our usual 357g Puerh cake size.

This Cake also allows the opportunity to experience working with a pressed Puerh tea cake, quite an enjoyable and rewarding process.

Aged Qing Puerh becomes increasingly smooth over time. The combination of reputed health benefits, especially for cardiovascular health, and the mellowness gained with age makes the 2013 Qing Puerh Tea Cake a tea that will delight you for many cups to come...Over what ever period of time you would like it to be...

Enjoying Unique Pu'er... An Enchanting Tea Experience...